The Skeleton File


by Tim Forkin

We’re 14 days into into my public journey to grow the HeyCreator YouTube channel to be monetized.

As of writing, we’re at:

  • 285/1000 subscribers (+50)
  • 171/4000 public watch hours (removed old, irrelevant videos)

Click here to subscribe!

Let’s jump right into what I’ve been working on…

Everything has changed...

I’ve been talking about leveling up the in-video production for our HeyCreator videos.

I even made some strides last time to add more “fun” into the edit.

Still, I wanted MORE.

Saturday morning I sent a text to fellow video editor friend Ethan asking him what I just told you:

“I’m looking for any resources you have on simple text animation presets for Premiere Pro, or just ways to make my videos for work and my own YouTube a little bit better. Feel like I need to level up.”

The tool he recommended has COMPLETELY changed the way I edit videos.

The Premiere Gal Toolkit is as easy as it gets. 1600+ fully customizable transitions, text animations, templates, sound effects… you name it, it’s in there. To add anything, you simply just double-click it and it shows up on the timeline.


Plus, a one-time payment of $100 instead of a monthly fee?

Immediate buy.

All of Saturday was spent in the Toolkit building a branded graphics package for HeyCreator that I can use for every video.

I call this package…

The Skeleton File

Every video editor needs a Skeleton File for each “client” they have.

What’s a Skeleton File?

The Skeleton File is a folder/timeline in which every possible branded video and audio asset you could use again lives.

For example, in one timeline I have all of the HeyCreator:

  • Intros & outros
  • Lower thirds
  • Creator Advice templates
  • Text animations
  • Quote templates
  • Graph templates
  • B-roll overlay templates
  • Transitions
  • Sound effects
  • Podcast advertisements
  • Background music

I’m sure other editors call it something else, but I made this name up a long time ago and I’ve never talked about it until now.

When I need something, I just copy or drag-and-drop the pre-made asset into the video’s timeline.

Doing this allows me to be incredibly consistent and efficient with the edit. Once the A-roll of the show is done, I just sprinkle a little bit of the HeyCreator Skeleton File all up in there and poof!

You’ll see what the Toolkit has done to the videos here soon enough. But here’s what the HeyCreator Skeleton looks like in my project:

The real reason numbers are up…

Matt did a hard push for the HeyCreator YouTube channel in his newsletter and on his personal channel. That’s it.

Crazy what happens when you talk about the projects you’re working on.

I know for many creators (myself included), we get worried that other people will find us annoying or cringe if we talk about the things we’re working on.

But this tweet from Tommy sums it all up:

twitter profile avatar
Tommy Clark
Twitter Logo
3:49 PM • Mar 24, 2024

This week’s video (title: FASTEST Way to $10,000 a Month with a Newsletter) has been a 1/10 in the first 21 hours of posting, and it’s a direct result of studying Jake Thomas and Creator Hooks.

Part of me also thinks including a desirable dollar amount in the the title ($10k/month is a dream for most creators) is helping, especially because we haven’t played into the money side of being a creator on the channel at all so far.

When you see which videos are recommended in the creator space, almost all of them have to do with:

  • Saving time
  • Being “cool”
  • Making more money
  • Growing your business/content

I’ll make sure we continue to tap into these topics.

Go check out the channel!

See you next week!

Don’t want to build your creator business alone? Join the HeyCreator community

Want to send profitable newsletters on autopilot? Team up with Automatic Evergreen

Need help with content strategy or creator mindset? Hire me to coach you (or your company)

Looking to level up as a video creator? Buy my courses

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