

Sharing what I'm learning as I build a career on the internet.

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What Jim Harbaugh taught me about business

by Tim Forkin Want to watch today's newsletter? Click here! Welcome back to another Monday Check-In! Every Monday, I post this newsletter to keep track of how my life, job, channel, and business are going. What’s working, what’s not, the things that happen to me, and the numbers behind it all. If you’re new here, my mission for the next 10 years has three parts: Build a community of 100,000 happy creators who love their life, content, and business. Make $500,000 net income in a single year....

I built my dream home office video studio

LET'S FORKIN GO by Tim Forkin Want to watch today's newsletter? Click here! This was how my videos looked. One light, filmed in my apartment, nothing cool about it… …and this is how my videos look now. When I posted the transformation on Twitter, so many of my friends and favorite creators showed support — I knew I’d struck gold. I’ve been looking to create a space that allows me to easily film whenever I want to for years. So today, let’s talk about what went into building my dream studio...

Being likable is the biggest growth hack

by Tim Forkin Want to watch today's newsletter? Click here! Welcome back to another Monday Check-In! Every Monday, I post this newsletter to keep track of how my life, job, channel, and business are going. What’s working, what’s not, the things that happen to me, and the numbers behind it all. If you’re new here, my mission for the next 10 years has three parts: Build a community of 100,000 happy creators who love their life, content, and business. Make $500,000 net income in a single year....

Create more stuff!

by Tim Forkin Want to watch today's newsletter? Click here! This is the first edition of my new weekly Monday Check-In series! Every Monday, I post this newsletter to keep track of how my life, job, channel, and business are going. What’s working, what’s not, the things that happen to me, and the numbers behind it all. If you’re new here, my mission for the next 10 years has three parts: Build a community of 100,000 happy creators who love their life, content, and business. Make $500,000 net...

The only metric that matters.

LET'S FORKIN GO by Tim Forkin Want to watch today's newsletter instead? Click here. Views don’t matter. Subscribers don’t matter. Profit doesn’t matter. You already knew that likes don’t matter. The amount of customers you have doesn’t matter. Shares… matter a little bit. But for the sake of this, they don’t matter. There’s only one metric that actually matters. Comments. Since I first started uploading videos to YouTube in 2009, comments have been the only thing that mattered. Yes, it was...

The Skeleton File

LET'S FORKIN GO by Tim Forkin We’re 14 days into into my public journey to grow the HeyCreator YouTube channel to be monetized. As of writing, we’re at: 285/1000 subscribers (+50) 171/4000 public watch hours (removed old, irrelevant videos) Click here to subscribe! Let’s jump right into what I’ve been working on… Everything has changed... I’ve been talking about leveling up the in-video production for our HeyCreator videos. I even made some strides last time to add more “fun” into the edit....

7 days into growing the HeyCreator YouTube channel

LET'S FORKIN GO by Tim Forkin We’re 7 days into my public journey to grow the HeyCreator YouTube channel in order to get monetized. As of writing, we’re at: 235/1000 subscribers (+18) 198/4000 public watch hours (+53) Click here to subscribe! Let’s jump right into what I’ve been working on… Creator Advice (with Matt & Tim) In our search for a recurring segment, we kept coming back to Creator Advice — our spin on “mailbag” content where we take questions from our audience. Matt and I are both...

Follow along as I grow the HeyCreator YouTube channel

LET'S FORKIN GO by Tim Forkin I’m starting a public journey to grow the HeyCreator YouTube channel to get monetized. As of writing, we’re at: 217 subscribers (need to get to 1,000) 145 public watch hours in the last year (need to get to 4,000) First things first — click here to subscribe. Cmon now. It’s the least you could do. I’m basically begging for it. Alright Tim, calm down. Let’s backtrack a bit. There’s some questions to answer… What is HeyCreator? HeyCreator is the new name for the...

The race to 100,000 posts

LET'S FORKIN GO by Tim Forkin I think about content all day long. Today’s topic completely broke my brain. Alex Hormozi released an incredible video that my boss Matt and I dropped everything to watch a few weeks ago. It’s about his strategy for social media growth (he’s gained 7.8 million followers in 40 months). This frame has stuck with me the most: Yes, Alex Hormozi has some built-in advantages — like the willingness and ability to spend $4 million on content teams. You and I can’t do...